Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) floats at the top of the POME ponds is a wastewater/sludge arising at a palm oil mill during the palm oil production process.
This wastewater is released to a system of ponds (POME ponds) to remove solids, oil and grease into aerobic ponds before discharging the water into waterways.
The small oil portion contained in the wastewater (POME oil) settles on top of the POME pond and can be extracted (skimmed off) and used as feedstock for biofuel production.
POME Oil has not been used in any significant volumes in the past due to the economic viability of the high cost of extraction and logistics and further processing. Historically, POME Oil has been used in the Soap industry.
EU Commission directives encourages the development of bioenergy sources and have defined that feedstock that are eligible for special rebates in Europe.
The development of POME oil is in keeping with the sustainability principles of ISCC, and is qualified as waste under ISCC. According to Art. 3 (1) of EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD), waste is defined as:
- Any substances or object which the manufacturer discards or intends or is required to be discarded.
- Raw materials or substances that is not intentionally produced, modified or contaminated.
Advanced Biofuel Renewable Energy Directives RED II Annex IX of 2018 now includes Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as a suitable feedstock for Biofuels.
Used Cooking Oils (UCO)
Used Cooking Oils (UCOs) are oils and fats that have been used for cooking or frying in the food processing industry, restaurants, fast foods and at consumer level, in households.
Collection and wholesale supply of waste oil for meeting the needs of Biodiesel plants are the primary missions of Trois Continental Sdn Bhd. Its professional specialties and teams play an essential role: matching waste oil product supply with demand, day in and day out, on a global scale. As a result, we have access to widely diversified sources of supply and substantial resources.
Our teams have forged close, long-term relationships with a network of customers and suppliers worldwide, including national and international oil companies and all producers, refiners, traders, brokers and distributors.